in the works.....
since work has a been on hold….or my daily career…has been on hold I should say……I have been keeping myself busy with a variety of projects during the day. some projects I was heavily involved in……while others….. not so much…….I had to do something more than just sit and think about what was not happening in my world….oh and by the way…on top of being at home day in and day out…not working…..I started losing weight as well…… it was a journey that needed to happen for a LONG time….I am very happily working my way along the weight loss path….working towards my goal…which I am only about 11lbs away from at this point….however, I am going to lose more beyond that………probably about 5-10 more pounds and I will be a very happy boy……a much thinner boy…and a boy transformed that is for sure…..I also needed my environment to finally be what I have always wanted it to be…..this ole house needed a new face….. we all needed to be reborn and the best face forward…….. I will post the photos of the befores and afters if I have them……. @