making time...

well after consulting my pinterest prompts, I selected “what do I need to make more time for in my life?”

so here we go! I started making more time for me recently as you would have read in yesterday’s post. what else would I make more time for in my life? my family….my friends…and my life. i’ll give you a breakdown of what I mean.

my talents - I used to draw constantly when I was younger. granted my job then was being in school and drawing…that was it. off to college, school and drawing/painting. things change…work gets in the way. my talents took a drastic set back back in the early 2000’s. a long story that I won’t go into here….but I walked away from one of the things that made me inherently me. I don’t have regrets in my life, but I do have moments I would like to revise….or at least would think I would like to, but then I wouldn’t be the person I am today. I have moments where my talents jump ahead to the forefront and I enjoy those times and then they go back into hiding. now granted, my current career is a person who designs visuals for a living all day long, so I am being creative but in my personal life I am just now, at 50, deciding that I am worth the time and effort to create and be seen.

my family - we…according to most belief systems…only go around this marble once…… family is here for just a short period of time as well. by family, I also mean extended family as well. I need to take time to enjoy my family and appreciate them so much.

my friends - well that description for family can go for friends as well….I love my friends and I need to spend more time with them……

my life - how can I spend more time with my life? life goes on around us all the time. you hear people talk about life passing you by and it makes sense if you really think about it. if you don’t stop and enjoy life and revel in each minute or the small moments…you will find yourself an old man/woman and your life will be a collection of empty moments and no true memories that you take with you.

so friends, take time to smell the roses and enjoy the rain storm passing over….. love who you want……laugh at dumb jokes, dance as hard as you want and sing as loudly as you can…..just live!!!! @

AN UPDATE- I am not sure this made any relevant point or not. I wrote all of this last night and came back to it today….but I decided not to edit it as it was the group of thoughts that came through my head… something that I won’t do is edit myself here…..enjoy my babbling! LOL


digging deep

