right around the corner…

well my show is right around the corner and I am both excited and nervous. i’ve not shown back home since I left in the late 80’s ….so it is a little overdue! I am excited to show my friends, family and others my work and where it is going. I have fallen in love with collage as well as mixing media together…and this show projects that her direction…….well maybe I shouldn’t really call it a new direction as I was….almost more often than not…a mixed media artist. that part really isnt that new and neither is collage as some of my works from high school combined drawn elements and glued items from magazines, photos etc……so I have always been a collage boy but it seems I am coming back full circle in a few ways…… as I stopped doing collage back in the late 80’s…..before I went off to college……so here I am returning back to where it all started….and I am artistically revisiting a style from back then but updating it in a new and hopefully exciting and visually intriguing way! :) @


the show is up!


show’s all done!