working on the show…

Sunday March 13 2022 at 1038 a… I’m working on my show pieces. I have been sketching for about two weeks. I have finally landed on the 12 landmarks* for the Highlands that I wanna use. It’s been quite a journey trying to figure out what will work working to approach the show over all. I am I have gone back-and-forth on the number of pieces I’ve gone back-and-forth on the style of the presentation it’s just been a lot. So now that I have everything in place in regards to the landmarks I’m going to use I’ll be quite happy to see where I go from here.


Today I was able to finish up out of the 11 sketches that need refined I now have four left I think …four or five left so I’m taking a break. It’s about 2:18 in the afternoon and I just felt like it was time to stop and take a step back and chill for a little bit and I will have dinner later and then I will hit the studio again and hopefully finish up refining those last few sketches so that that’s all done and I can actually start doing some gouache work and really get the ball rolling on the projects. I’m super excited about it I just need to get going so that’s it for now.


I was able to to refine even more of my sketches. I have three more to do work on and have been working on one other. I am making great progress and I am super happy.



the highlands show


that OTHER post..