conversations over the fence

I have a wonderful neighbor living next door. she is an elderly woman who has forged quite a path in her lifetime. at one point she was a basketball coach for a college here in nc. she has always been a caring woman who thinks of others often before herself. before this virus hit, she would go to the local shelter and feed the homeless in our community…deliver meals etc etc. she has helped take care go our girls when we would go out of town until recently, when we realized…she isn’t getting any younger and lea is only getting stronger! lol.

this am, as I was having my morning coffee/shake, lea said her hellos to her dog…which meant attacking the fence like she was out for death! she is not a fan of her dog, so it is often our hello to each other. we chat through the fence slats as she is shorter and cant see over the fence and often it is nicer to talk to someone at least seeing them. I have been keeping my distance from her since she is elderly etc. we had a great conversation this morning about how we are all connected. not just in a sense of family but as in the human race around the world. we are so very connected. it was so nice and refreshing to speak with her and realize that she has so many similar thoughts about the world as I do. she is a gem.

the main reason for this post is to remind me, and others, that we often may have a thought in our heads about how someone would be….or would react to situations….and that isn’t fair to them or you! take the time to talk to someone…..and by that I mean TALK to them….not talk at them. have a conversation. listen to their thoughts. they are speaking to you from the heart and want to connect. connection is one of the things that this virus has tested in many ways. once this is all over and done with, I want to see all off my friends if only just to see them face to face and hug them so hard they pee a little!!!! lol……….. @



