
trust is a word that is thrown around quite a bit.

this morning I was given a lesson in trust by someone near and dear to me….. me! yep! me! I have been on a weightless journey and I was having a good week until yesterday! I have had some minor hiccups along the way but yesterday I gained 1.4lbs to 187.2 and it was not a welcome site to see at all!!!! I was pissed at myself and that inner demon/saboteur came rushing into my head….”see it doesn’t work"…..see you can’t do this you failed AGAIN…….” I had to let that demon know that it does work and that I hadn't failed. yesterday, I followed the plan….as I had been all along…made some adjustments that I had suspected were the culprit,……and then this am… after telling myself…and being told by my coach Melissa NOT to weigh myself…..I did anyway! I had to see if my reset/restart/check had worked…and that I was truly in command of what is happening. there is was shining up from me from the scale…….185.2!!! yes….that’s right…not only did I lose what I had gained but I also lost some extra. it was actually the largest weight loss I have had while on this journey. I actually stepped off the scales and stepped back on to make sure they were correct! LOL… was early morning after all and maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me! LOL….but no…they weren’t….they were telling a very honest truth….I had indeed succeeded. I had proven to myself that it DOES work…..and that I HADN’T failed. I am very much in control of my destiny and my journey on this program. I have to stay on the path and see it through to the end. @


conversations over the fence

