
like I mentioned in the video welcome below, I wasn’t a huge blogger before. I went out and pursed the world wide webs to find some inspiration and I think I have found it! soooooooo with that being said...what do I need to start saying “yes” to more often? that one took a minute for me to think on and I am actually still thinking about it as I am typing these lines. I need to say yes to more adventures, say yes to doing things that benefit me, say yes to my creative energy and lastly say yes to making mistakes. let me explain. saying yes to more adventures isn’t just about challenging myself to do something new, it is challenging myself to be someone new. I started about three years ago. I was in a relationship that wasn’t all that healthy for me. I ended it and began to live my life. low and behold I meet rené and the newest adventure began. it was then time to work on me a bit. contacts, career etc etc etc. and now I am working on my weight, health and lifestyle overall. I am one who often will say “no” or “I don’t think that is possible, but let me see what I can do”. I need the first word out of my mouth in any adventure to be yes….not no. so working on myself and working on saying yes. saying yes to my creativity is me simply returning back to my creative self that sometimes I feel I have given up on or ran from. I need to say yes to creating and being proud of what I do. create without fear. that leads into the saying yes to mistakes. I am a perfectionist and it will drive me mad sometimes when I am working and my vision is not what is transferring to the canvas or paper. saying yes is not a and thing…what could it hurt honestly? saying yes more often is one way to make your mind switch to seeing and recognizing the positive and not get caught up n the negative aspects of things. life, in general, can be harsh, mean and destroying, but at the same time, life can certainly give you gems and those moments are when you have to cherish the power of saying yes! @




from out of nowhere